The National Museum of American Illustration
New Paintings On Exhibit at the NMAI in 2006
The National Museum of American Illustration announces that
new paintings will be on exhibit at the Museum during its
2006 summer season. “We have re-hung the introductory
exhibit in the Treillage Loggia to better illustrate how the
teachings of Howard Pyle, known as ‘the father of American
illustration’ influenced his students,” says Director and Co-
Founder, Judy Goffman Cutler. “To this end we are now
displaying a more extensive range of works by his students,
including Stanley Arthurs, Harvey Dunn, NC Wyeth, Gayle
Porter Hoskins, Frank Schoonover and Philip R. Goodwin.
These selections also show examples from different mass
media: illustration examples from a book, a magazine, an
advertisement, a calendar, a short story, and a cover are
Image left: HARVEY DUNN "THE PRISONERS" 1914, published
as an Elgin Watch Advertisement

MAROONED by HOWARD PYLE, 1887, published September
1887 by Harper’s New Monthly
The group of artists now collectively known as the
“Brandywine School” were predominantly students of Howard
Pyle. Pyle was the first to teach illustration as a discipline
separate from fine art. In so doing, he felt that “...art is, or
should be, the effort to represent nature as we know it.”
(Harper’s Weekly, July 17, 1897) He asked that students try
“putting oneself in the picture”, to train themselves to
imagine every detail of a scene as if they were actually
viewing it.” An excellent example of Pyle’s own work is on
view in the Grand Salon: MAROONED by HOWARD PYLE
(1853-1911). Published by Harper’s New Monthly in
September 1887 for the story “Buccaneers and Marooners of
the Spanish Main”, this oil painting is newly acquired and is
now on view for the 2006 season.
“We are particularly excited about the acquisition of this
piece because it was Pyle’s first pirate painting, a subject
matter that he subsequently expanded on and became known
for. We were also able to acquire the wood engraving block
that was used to reproduce this painting for the periodical,
and we display this as well, to illustrate early printing
methods,” explains Cutler.

Also on view this season is an Edison Mazda advertisement
by NC Wyeth. This provides a comparison with the Edison
Mazda calendar artwork by Maxfield Parrish currently on
display in the library, whereby the visitor can consider how
two different artists approached similar subject material.
calendar advertisement, 1935
The Museum is open for guided tours by advance reservation,
Mondays through Fridays, May 30-November 3. Groups tours
are welcome by reservation year-round. Tickets $25: Seniors
60+ and military w/id, $22, Children 12 & under not
admitted. For more information telephone 401-851-8949 ext.
18 or www.americanillustration.org

Molly Dickinson, Director of Institutional Development, The
National Museum of American Illustration- 492 Bellevue
Newport, RI 02840.
T: 401-851-8949 ext.18-
F: 401-851-8974-
The National Museum of American Illustration is a nonprofit
independent, educational, and aesthetic organization. It is
located in Newport, RI on Bellevue Avenue at Vernon Court
(1898), a Beaux-Arts adaptation of an 18th century French
It is the first national museum devoted exclusively to
American illustration art.
Illustration consists of original artwork created to be
reproduced in books, magazines, newspapers and
advertisements. ‘Golden Age’ paintings by such luminaries as
Norman Rockwell, Maxfield Parrish, NC Wyeth, and 75 others
are displayed in ‘Gilded Age’ architecture, creating a unique
union of art and architecture- a national treasure.
The Museum is administered by the American Civilization
Foundation, a nonprofit organization with the goal to present
the best possible venue for appreciating the greatest
collection of illustration art; the most American of American
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