We welcome you to explore a selection of the over 150 illustrators in our American Imagists collection. While it is not a comprehensive listing of our artists nor all of their artworks in the collection, we hope to give you a sense of the depth of these illustrators' quality and importance to our American heritage.
The artists and their artworks currently on display at the NMAI will change with the exhibitions, therefore all the artworks you see on this page will not always be on display.
American Imagist Luminaries
Edwin Austin Abbey
Constantin Alajalov
Harold Anderson
Rolf Armstrong
Stanley Arthurs
Clifford Ashley
John Atherton
William Aylward
Joyce Ballantyne
McClelland Barclay
Cecil Calvert Beall
Arthur Becher
Mary Jane Begin
WT Benda
Gerrit Beneker
Anna Whelan Betts
Ethel Franklin Betts
Walter Biggs
Edwin Blashfield
Philip Boileau
Enoch Bolles
Franklin Booth
Maurice L. Bower
S Cole Bradley
Paul Bransom
F Sands Brunner
Duane Bryers
Al Buell
Edward Ulreich Buk
Charles Livingston Bull
Clara M Burd
Hal Burrows
Harrison Cady
Howard Chandler Christy
Frederick Stuart Church
Benton Clark
Matt Clark
John Clymer
Dean Cornwell
Douglass Crockwell
Julian De Miskey
Maynard Dixon
Stevan Dohanos
Arthur Dove
Peter Driben
Helen Dryden
Harvey Dunn
Benjamin Eggleston
Gil Elvgren
Maginel Wright Enright
John Falter
Anton Otto Fischer
Harrison Fisher
James Montgomery Flagg
Alan Stephens Foster
AB Frost
Paolo Garretto
Harold Gaze
Charles Dana Gibson
William J Glackens
Philip R Goodwin
Walter Granville-Smith
Elizabeth Shippen Green
Frederic R Gruger
Jules Guerin
Jay Hambidge
Charles Hargens
Howard L Hastings
Childe Hassam
Mabel K Hatt
Charles “Budd” Hawes
John Held Jr
Albert Herter
Al Hirschfeld
Guy Hoff
Leonard T Holton
Winslow Homer
Gayle Porter Hoskins
George Hughes
Peter Hurd
EO Hurst
Henry Hutt
Elbert McGran Jackson
RC Kauffman
Stuart Kaufman
JF Kernan
Rockwell Kent
WHD Koerner
John LaFarge
John LaGatta
FX Leyendecker
JC Leyendecker
Henry Linnell
George Luks
Reginald Marsh
Richard Field Maynard
Frederic Kimball Mizen
Thomas Moran
Rudy Nappi
Thomas Nast
Dale Nichols
Thornton Oakley
Violet Oakley
Cushman Parker
Maxfield Parrish
Edward Penfield
George Petty
Coles Phillips
Henry Pitz
Edward Potthast
Maurice Prendergast
Norman Price
Howard Pyle
Ethel Ream
Sidney Reisenberg
Frederic Remington
Norman Rockwell
John Rogers
Alex Ross
Charles M Russell
Russell Sambrook
Mead Schaeffer
Jes Schlaikjer
Frank E Schoonover
Remington Schuyler
James R. Shaver
Barbara Shermund
Everet Shinn
John Sloan
Jessie Willcox Smith
Ralph Crosby Smith
Walter Granville Smith
Henry J Soulen
Paul Stahr
Alice Barber Stephens
Herbert Morton Stoops
Haddon Sundblom
Robert Tallon
Saul Tepper
Leslie Thrasher
George T Tobin
Alton Tobey
Rico Tomaso
Charles Twelvetrees
Alberto Vargas
Elihu Vedder
Harold von Schmidt
Colonel Charles Waterhouse
Thomas Webb
Sarah Stilwell Weber
Albert Beck Wenzell
Andrew Wyeth
Jamie Wyeth
NC Wyeth